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Lucrări publicate în reviste incluse în Baze de Date Internaţionale recunoscute (Categoriile CNCSIS B+ şi B)

Niculae, L., Mitrofan, H. & Marin, C. (2019) – Carbonate reservoir diagenesis associated to connate water / fresh water interaction within a thermal aquifer located in the central-northern part of the Moesian Platform (Romania). Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza", 58, pp. 3–18.

Marin, C., Povară, I., Tudorache, A., Rajka, G. & Terente, M. (2010) – The transfer of certain contaminants by means of surface and underground water-flows in the catchment area of Arieş stream, Romania. Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza", 49, pp. 113–133.

Vlaicu, M., Munteanu, C.-M., Giurginca, A., Goran, C., Marin, C., Plăiaşu, R., Băncilă, R.-I. & Tudorache, A. (2010) – Geological and ecological assessment of the exposure degree of the Zăton-Bulba karst system (Mehedinţi Plateau) to anthropogenic hazards: intrinsic vulnerability and biodiversity study. Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza", 49, pp. 149–164.

Munteanu, C.-M., Vlaicu, M. Marin, C. & Tudorache, A. (2010) – Geological and hydrogeochemical research, tools for karst management in the north of the Caraş Gorges (Banat Mountains, Romania). Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza", 49, pp. 165–178.

Povară, I., Simion, G. & Marin, C. (2008) – Thermo-mineral waters from the Cerna Valley Basin (Romania). Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia, 53 (2), pp. 41–54.

Zugrăvescu, D., Marin, C., Mitrofan, H., Tudorache, A. & Radu, M. (2006) – Specific behavior of the "Na-K-Mg Maturity Index" (Giggenbach) in saline springs at Slanic Moldova before and after the major Vrancea earthquake (Mw=6.0) of 27.10.2004. Revue Roumaine de  Geophysique, 50, pp. 69–78.

Povară, I., Horoi, V., Marin, C., Nicolescu, T. & Baciu, M. (1997) – Investigations on the covered saline karst in Slanic-Prahova (Romania). Theoretical and Applied Karstolology, 10, pp. 167–175.

Marin, C. & Nicolescu, T. (1993) – The geochemistry of groundwater from southeastern Dobrogea, Romania. Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza", 32, pp. 229–247.

Marin, C. & Pătroescu, C. (1992) – Preliminary analysis concerning a model for the determination of elements speciation in natural waters. Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza", 31, pp. 171–184.

Marin, C. (1984) – Hydrochemical considerations in the lower Cerna river basin. Theoretical and Applied Karstolology, 1, pp. 173–182.

Povară, I. & Marin, C. (1984) – Hydrochemical and hydrogeological considerations at Hercule thermomineral spring. Theoretical and Applied Karstolology, 1, pp. 183–194.

Marin, C. (1981) – Chemical composition of carbonate waters in Padurea Craiului Mountains, Romania. Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza", 20, pp. 139–155.

Trufaş, V. & Marin, C. (1980) – Cîteva aprecieri asupra chimismului şi calităţii apelor rîurilor din Banat. Studii şi Cercetări de Geologie, Geofizică şi Geografie, seria Geografie, 27, pp. 149–158.

Marin, C. (1979) – Ion pairs in karst waters. Travaux de l'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza", 18, pp. 249–258.

Foto: Cristian Lascu

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